Focus and Scope
We are dedicated to open access and online publishing in order to serve the needs of a global community of scientist and researchers. With emerging technology, digital scholarly publishing is no longer limited to e-book and e-journal formats. Websites, various media formats, and interactive media are also means of disseminating high quality scholarly material and resources for academic research. KSP Library intends to publish websites under its imprint that have scholarly parameters and standards (e.g. Economics Bibliography; Tifak; To host other Journals, Working papers and Conference Proceedings etc.).
Each website published by KSP Library will be research content-based and subjected to an initial editorial peer-review assessment and periodic reviews.

Academic Publications
- KSP Journals
- KSP Books
- Hosted for Journals, Working Papers and Proceedings
- Economics Bibliography (Indexing)
- Other Academic Publishing Cooperations

KSP Journals
KSP Journals is a double-blind, peer-reviewed publications. Since inception, the KSP Journals has been committed to delivering high quality research output and upholding high standards with respect to publication ethics and publication malpractice. In line with the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the KSP Journals has developed the following criteria for all of the relevant parties involved in the entire publication process. [more…]
KSP Books
KSP Books operates on the model of a knowledge-based economy, to which we contribute by providing peer-reviewed publications unfettered by the desire to commodify thought or to restrict access to ideas. We are dedicated to the dissemination of knowledge and research through open access digital journals and books, as well as through new electronic media. KSP Books will offer its imprint only to scholarship of the highest quality, as determined through peer review. One of our mandates is to publish innovative and experimental works (in both fiction and non-fiction) that challenge established canons, subjects, and formats. We plan to develop series that contribute to the scholarship of established and new disciplines. As we are dedicated to making KSP Books accessible to a broad readership through open access technologies, we cultivate the areas of open-, distance-, and e-learning. KSP Books also publishes websites (under its imprint) with content that has scholarly parameters and standards, especially Economics, Econometrics, Finance, Business, Management, Administrative Sciences, Political Sciences et. al.
This site is an initiative of KSP Library’s Economics online. This site will index open source Economics articles. To be indexed in EconBib is straightforward for a journal: 1- Journal should be publishing in economics field (In addition to purely economics subjects publishing journals, the journals which publish articles the fields of econometric, finance, business administration, banking and management related field but still accept economic articles can be included EconBib indexing scope.); 2- The academic journal should be “Open-access”; 3- Journal should be suitable to “OAI” data transfer; 4- Journal should be licensed through “Creative Commons”; 5-Journal should have been regularly published at least for 1 year; 6- Journal should be publishing according to international academic criteria [more…]
KSP Library Hosted
All articles in open access journals which are published by KSP Library have undergone peer review and upon acceptance are immediately and permanently free for everyone to read and download. Platforms such as repositories, preprint servers and scholarly collaboration networks can host research published by KSP Library following the guidelines below: [more…]